LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Louisville’s Metro Emergency Services is hiring. They’re seeking certified Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) and paramedics to serve and help people. 

What You Need To Know

  • Louisville Metro Emergncy Medical Services held  open interviews looking for certified EMTs and paramedics

  • Louisville Metro's EMS chief said the need is nationwide.

  • The city offers competitive wages hoping to fill the open positions.

Shawn O’Keefe loves being an EMT. He moved to Louisville seven years ago specifically for his job. He’s the first in his family to be an EMT. In fact, he says he’s more-or-less-always wanted to be in this field.

“Just wanted to be helping people and just always thought it was a cool job. Something really neat, not something everybody gets to do,” said O’Keefe.

O’Keefe, 31, said his typical day starts at 10 a.m.. The EMT gets his equipment together and makes sure it’s all working properly. He and other EMTs make sure the truck gets stocked and is ready-to-go for the day. EMTs sign in with dispatch and are available for runs the moment they log in. They stay available until their shift ends. O’Keefe said a shift normally lasts 12-16 hours.

“I enjoy it. I love helping people. Every day is different. That’s probably the thing that I love about it, is that there’s no two days that’s the same. I get to go everywhere, so it’s not like I’m stuck in the same place doing the same thing for eight hours a day,” O’Keefe explained.

Louisville Metro EMS held an information session, including open interviews and physical agility testing, for certified EMTs and paramedics. Jesse Yarbrough, Louisville Metro EMS chief, said the need is nationwide.

“There’s a huge need for EMTs and paramedics not only in our state but across the nation. It’s a very demanding field, so it’s not something a lot of people consider when they’re looking for career paths,” Yarbrough said.

Metro EMS offers competitive wages for the positions. The salary ranges are:

  • EMT: $45,000—$71,000
  • EMT Advanced: $48,000—$74,000
  • Paramedic: $56,000—$91,000

Yarbrough added the recruiting event was important and will help fill some vacancies.

“…alleviating some of the overtime issues and at the end of the day, putting more responders out on the street.” Yarbrough explained.

O’Keefe told Spectrum News he plans to stay in this career until he retires.

To learn more about emergency services openings, visit Louisville Metro Government's website.