LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The Mayor’s 20th annual Hike, Bike & Paddle took place on Labor Day morning, with hundreds of people gathering at Waterfront Park for the event.

What You Need To Know

  • Hundreds of people went to the Waterfront Park for the Mayor's 20th annual Hike, Bike & Paddle event on Labor Day 

  • People had the opportunity to either walk a few miles, ride bikes or paddle along the Ohio River

  • This is usually an event that happens twice a year, but the event on Memorial Day did not take place to focus on the Labor Day event

Whether it was hiking, biking or paddling participants certainly got a few miles of activity in for the day.

“I think it’s a great program for the city of Louisville and getting people more out and getting healthy and exercising so I hope this program will continue, you know, for years to come,” said David Frey, who participated by riding his bike.

He has participated in the annual event by either hiking, riding a bike, or paddling for about 15 years.

Mayor Craig Greenberg, D-Louisville, and his wife, Rachel, did the hike, with plans to join paddlers on the Ohio River next year.

“Rachel and I are so thrilled to be out here as we are,” Greenberg said. “We’ve been coming to this event for years, long before I was mayor with our boys and so to be out here today on a beautiful day in downtown Louisville with families from all over the whole city that are doing it. We’re hiking today, we’ve biked before, we’re going to paddle next year.”

Traditionally, the Hike, Bike & Paddle event usually happens on Memorial Day and Labor Day, however, this year the event on Memorial Day did not take place. The mayor’s office said they wanted to focus all of their efforts on the Labor Day weekend event.