LOUISVILLE, Ky. — After getting a taste of fall last week, above-average highs are set to sweep the entire commonwealth this week, with temperatures expected to reach well into the 90s over the next several days. 

What You Need To Know

  • Temperatures are back above average for this time of year

  • Expect highs in the mid to upper 90s across most of Kentucky this week

  • An outreach specialist from the Kentucky Harm Reduction Coalition stressed the importance of checking in on vulnerable groups

Tierra Bishop, who works for Louisville's Office of Resilience and Community Services and also volunteers driving for Meals on Wheels, spends many of her days delivering food to elderly and vulnerable residents while also paying extra close attention to their health and living situation on hot days.

“You might hear it in their voice or you can just kind of look around their homes because some of them can’t make it to the door,” Bishop said.

In fact, volunteers for programs like Meals on Wheels may be the first people to recognize when clients are in trouble.

“We go in; we ask them how they are doing," Bishop said. "It’s like a mini, unofficial wellness check."

Organizations across Louisville are always accepting donations of bottled water. During 90-degree days, it’s impossible to have too much on hand.

“We really lean on other people to help us give water out," said Daisy Carter, Kentucky Harm Reduction Coalition outreach specialist. "Sometimes, we have what we need. Sometimes, we don’t, and that’s when we lean on the rest of our community."

Carter said the importance of basic necessities is crucial during a spike in temperatures.

“Lean on your people, check on your people, but don’t judge them,” Carter said.

Bishop shared her sentiments.

“If you have an elderly neighbor, a family member, aunt, uncle, anyone who may live alone, just please go check on them," she said.