LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Last May was the grand opening of the Kumon Math and Reading Center in the Newburg neighborhood. The center partners with the Louisville Urban League and now Jefferson County Public Schools to help more students reach their learning goals.

What You Need To Know

  • Ayisha Hayes-Taylor is helping students improve test scores and grades with the Kumon Math and Reading Center

  • The Newburg Kumon learning center partners with the Louisville Urban League and now Jefferson County Public Schools

  • Hayes-Taylor's Kumon is one of the fastest growing centers like it in the country 

  • Hayes- Taylor is expanding her services to some Jefferson County Public Schools, including Perry, Engelhard and Cochran elementary schools

“It’s not about the number of students we were able to serve, but about the impact we are able to make,” said center instructor Ayisha Hayes-Taylor. Her Kumon Center is one of the fastest growing centers in North America.

She and her team were invited to Texas to share their experience at Kumon’s North American instructor’s conference.

She says the Kumon system is effective, but what helps kid the most are the people who cheer them on. 

“It’s more than just a system. It is the people that you put in place to provide the system. Instructors and staff that just love children and want to see them succeed no matter their socio-economic background no matter what they come in looking like,” said Hayes-Taylor. 

And now, Hayes-Taylor is expanding her services to some Jefferson County Public Schools, including Perry, Engelhard and Cochran elementary schools.

“Take this system to kids who may otherwise not have the transportation to be able to come to our center or any other center in Kentucky — so now we are going to them,” said Hayes-Taylor.

The hope is to help even more students grow.