LEXINGTON, Ky. — Super Soul is a video game development studio where they create their own video games and also help others to bring their gaming dreams to life. 

What You Need To Know

  • Super Soul is a video game development studio based out of Lexington, KY for 10 years specializing in virtual reality, augmented reality and educational services

  • While Super Soul helps others bring their gaming dreams to life they also have created and released over 50 of their own games

  • They have released games like Kentucky Dash which is Kentucky inspired

  • Super Soul  is to help grow the gaming developmnt industry for Kentucky to be the next gaming development hub

Studio Director John Meister says he got into the gaming industry by making mods for existing games.

“I just really liked the game and then wanted to play around in that world and make my own levels and things that you can run around in. So that’s where I started,” said Meister.

Meister says there are many elements that go into crafting a video game.

“The creative process of, you know, making something I really like, with my backgrounds and kind of programing. And so then we have artists and musicians, writing, you know, the storytelling that comes from that, creating the world and the characters and all the dialogue. There’s just so many aspects to making a game,” said Meister.

But gaming isn’t just solely for entertainment purposes anymore.

“We have done a lot of that stuff and seen so many different companies in the area that are using kind of theme-based technology. Now to do, you know, all kinds of different trainings, those games can be used for all kinds of industries, and you’re just seeing the rapid adoption of those kind of things,” Meister said.

Meister says there are so many opportunities in the gaming industry and hopes it continues to grow in Kentucky.

“We’ve helped the Kentucky school systems start teaching game development in high school. And, you know, so it’s so much more accessible than it was even 10 years ago,” explained Meister.

Meister says his favorite part is being able to collaborate with others. 

“It’s been really rewarding to see kind of the end product, you know, and see something that, you know, there’s a lot of work in and then it comes out and it’s really cool. And people have fun with it,” said Meister.

Meister hopes to bring more gaming development classes into the school system for Kentucky to be the next gaming development hub.