BOWLING GREEN, Ky. — After four years of hard work right here in the commonwealth, production of a thriller film, "Horntak," is wrapping up. 

What You Need To Know

  • Production of a thriller film, "Horntak," is wrapping up in Kentucky 

  • The film is about a family who was raised in a backwoods cult and has trouble adapting to the real world

  • Its filmmakers said they chose Kentucky because of the low costs of production

  • "Horntak" is now in post-production

Erik Weed co-wrote the movie, and it was his first time writing a full script for a film. 

“It’s incredible (to) see me and Max’s hard work and the crew’s hard work pay off and make this happen," Weed said. 

The film is about a family who was raised in a backwoods cult and has trouble adapting to the real world.

“Completely isolated, completely off the grid; nobody knows they’re there," Weed said. 

One of the main characters, a boy named Adam, is played by 8-year-old Rex Crane, who said he enjoys acting. 

"Every chance I get to act, I do it," Crane said. 

His father, James Crane, watched his son’s passion unfold at an early age.

“I’m more about his dream than anything for me," he said. "Anything for me is seeing his dream come true.”

While one may think it’s a lot of pressure for an 8-year-old to have such a big role at an early age, Rex said he tries to handle it in stride. 

“Sometimes, I get a little nervous when (the camera is) exactly in front of me," he said. 

Filming isn't cheap, and gear can cost thousands. Weed said he and other filmmakers chose Kentucky for production as the space was free to film, combating the enormous costs. 

“People just want to help," Weed said. "They don’t ask for anything in return.”

The film is now in post-production.