LOUISVILLE, Ky. — More than 90 cities across the country were considered to host the Sundance Film Festival. Friday the Sundance Institute announced it had narrowed the field to six remaining cities and Louisville is one of them.

What You Need To Know

  • For the past 40 years, the Sundance Film Festival has been held in Park City, Utah

  • Over 90 cities across the country were considered to host the Sundance Film Festival

  •  Louisville is one of the six competing cities to host the festival

  • The Sundance Selection Committee will visit Louisville this month to make their final decision 

“We are already home to the greatest two minutes in sports. Who’s ready to be home to the greatest ten days in film?” asked Mayor Craig Greenberg, D-Louisville.

To ensure the selected city can serve and support the continued growth of the festival, it scrutinized. The committee will look at the city’s infrastructure, ethos, equity values and event capabilities to host the Festival. 

Artist Kofi Darku said being able to host the Sundance Film Festival would expand Louisville’s identity nationally.

“It makes me feel that Louisville is getting on the map more. especially in terms of the arts. Louisville has such a rich history, and we know about the cultural, there is so much soul, so much artistic flavor,” said Darku.

Mayor Greenberg said Louisville already hosts over 600 events annually. Making Louisville the new home for the Sundance Film Festival would boost the local economy possibly generating $170 million or more.

“We see an opportunity to do something big that will help strengthen our economy, help us grow as a city, bring us together, celebrate who we are, boost the city’s brand around the country and the world,” said Greenberg.

502 Film president Susie Eastman said she has been going to the Sundance Film Festival for 20 years and believes just hosting the film festival could build bridges for Louisville to lead the humanitarian film industry.

“Our city being chosen as. One of the top six is a profound seal of approval for all of us, and I think will only heighten. The attention that we’re receiving because of our best in-country film tax incentive. Well, now they know that we also have the culture, the economy and the community to support productions and a film festival coming here to Louisville,” added Eastman.

“People should know that $200 million in terms of spending for film industry stuff has happened in Louisville over the past two years. Soundstages are being built. The infrastructure for the film industry is being already established. So what comes after is inevitable,” said Darku.

If selected, Louisville would welcome the Sundance Film Festival starting in 2027. The Sundance Selection Committee will visit Louisville this month to make their final decision of what city will host the Sundance film festival.