LOUISVILLE, Ky. — One Louisville business makes gourmet dog treats, but it’s the hands that help make the treats that make them extra special.

What You Need To Know

  • WiggleWOW is a gourmet dog bakery established in 2019

  • WiggleWOW is  focused on employing and creating careers for adults with special needs

  •  The goal is to be the largest company in America to employee adults with special needs by 2029

It starts in the WiggleWOW dog house kitchen where gourmet dog treats are produced. Founder Mark Pfeifer says they have worked on their recipe for two years.

“If you’ve ever had oatmeal for breakfast, that’s oat flour. Have you ever had real bacon? Have you ever had eggs? And we put a little salt on it. The only thing maybe you haven’t had is vitamin E. And so that’s why we frequently test the treats ourselves. Because there’s nothing harmful in them,” said Pfeifer.

But WiggleWOW isn’t just all about dog treats, it’s also about the employees who make them.

“God put on my heart to come up with a company that employs adults with special needs. What a lot of people aren’t aware of is, the majority of folks in this population that want to work are never given an opportunity to work,” said Pfeifer.

From the batter mix to cutting, baking, decorating and packaging all are done by adults with special needs.

Tiffany Otis is one of WiggleWOW’s “Epic Chefs” but before she came to the doghouse, she was searching for a job for 20 years. She landed one job but only worked there for a week, constantly going home in tears.

“I have a job before, but my job was like my boss was mean to me, call me names and everything and call me Mickey Mouse and everything. And then I tried to talk normal, but this is how I am, everybody is special needs and everybody has a purpose,” said Otis.

Otis has spina bifida. Her doctors told her parents she wouldn’t be able to talk or walk and would be bound to a wheelchair. She has had 33 surgeries. Despite her defeating many odds, she still thought she would never be able to get a job. 

But with just one volunteer opportunity at WiggleWOW, she was hired on the spot.

“She really is who we all desire to be honestly, and she’s now what I would say, probably our top sales person. If you ever see us at one of our booths and Tiffany’s working, you won’t get to walk by the booth without hearing from Tiffany. She is just that good,” said Pfeifer.   

Otis says she wakes up every morning at five ready to go to work.

“I love that it’s the best job ever. I met so many amazing friends, and I have an amazing boss ever. Yes, I love that,” said Otis.

Pfeifer says everyone has a purpose and WiggleWOW can give those with special needs an opportunity to accomplish and achieve things that they otherwise wouldn’t have.

“Our world tells our population all the time what they can’t do. You know, God created WiggleWOW to show the world what our population can do, and that’s why we’re here,” said Pfeifer.   

WiggleWOW’s mission is to be the largest company in America to employee adults with special needs by 2029.