FRANKFORT, Ky. — A Louisville state representative has been temporarily suspended, pending an investigation. State Representative Daniel Grossberg, D-Louisville is accused of sexual misconduct.

What You Need To Know

  • House Minority leadership temporarily suspended Louisville Rep. Daniel Grossberg from the caucus 

  • First reported by the Lexington Herald Leader, Grossberg is accused of inappropriate behavior with women 

  • The Kentucky Democrats condemned Grossberg's alleged actions

  • Grossberg denies any wrongdoing and says the evidence proves his case

Wednesday House Minority leadership voted to temporarily suspend the first term lawmaker from the caucus and requested a formal investigation by the Legislative Ethics Commission.

It comes a day after our news partner, the Lexington-based Herald Leader newspaper, first reported on the sexual misconduct and inappropriate text message allegations against Daniel Grossberg.

A statement from Minority Leader Derrick Graham, D-Frankfort, Caucus Chair Cherlynn Stevenson, D-Lexington and Whip Rachel Roberts, D-Newport said, '“This morning, Kentucky House Democratic Caucus members voted to temporarily suspend state Representative Daniel Grossberg from the caucus and to request a formal investigation by the Legislative Ethics Commission. We believe this is the appropriate organization to review the issues that have been raised. Given the sensitive nature of these allegations, we have no further comment at this time.”

Chair of the Kentucky Democrats Colmon Elridge condemned Grossberg’s alleged actions. The Kentucky Democrats sent Spectrum News 1 a statement that reads, “The series of allegations made against Representative Daniel Grossberg are unsettling. KDP has zero tolerance for sexual harassment and any form of sexual misconduct. Every individual should be held accountable for their own actions — particularly those who represent Kentuckians in the halls of our Capitol.”

Grossberg denied any wrongdoing via text Wednesday. He sent a statement saying, “I welcome the caucus’s referral of this matter to ethics. The evidence will show that I did nothing untoward.”

The Legislative Ethics Commission says all complaints are confidential and did not confirm whether or not a complaint was filed against Grossberg.

Grossberg was first elected in 2022 and is seeking reelection this November.

Correction: A previous version of this story incorrectly identified Rep. Grossberg's political affiliation. He is a Democrat representing Louisville. The error has been corrected. (Aug. 1, 2024)