FRANKFORT, Ky. — Kentucky is expanding its Slow Down, Move Over law to help protect drivers of disabled vehicles, beginning Monday, July 15.

What You Need To Know

  • Beginning July 15, Kentucky will expand its Move Over law to protect drivers of a disabled vehicle 

  • Drivers approaching a disabled vehicle displaying a warning signal will be required to move over a lane away

  • If it is not safe to do so or if driving on a roadway of fewer than four lanes, they must reduce their speed 

  • Gov. Andy Beshear, D-Ky., signed Senate Bill 107 into law in April, enhancing penalties for work zone violations  

Since 2003, the commonwealth has required drivers to "slow down and move over" to protect first responders, highway crews, tow truck operators and others working along roadsides. However, the existing law was expanded after Gov. Andy Beshear, D-Ky., signed Senate Bill 107 in April, which enhanced penalties for work zone violations.

AAA said starting July 15, drivers approaching a disabled vehicle displaying emergency flashers, flares or another warning signal, will be required to move over a lane away from the disabled vehicle.

If it is not safe to do so or if driving on a roadway of fewer than four lanes, drivers must reduce their speed.

"Expanding Kentucky's 'Slow Down, Move Over' law to encompass all vehicles supports Team Kentucky's mission to provide safe highways for all road users," said Kentucky Transportation Secretary Jim Gray. "Every motorist, regardless of their vehicle's size or purpose, deserves to make it to their destination safely — every trip, every time."

AAA analysis of data obtained from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration showed 1,874 people were struck while outside a disabled vehicle in the U.S. from 2017 to 2021. The agency added Kentucky State Police crash data showed that in Kentucky alone, 32 people were killed in crashes while either leaving or approaching their vehicles during a five-year period from June 1, 2019, to June 1, 2024.

"The side of a road is an extremely dangerous place, with vehicles passing by at high rates of speed," said Lori Weaver Hawkins, AAA Blue Grass public affairs manager. "As a strong traffic safety advocate, AAA is pleased to see this protection extended to motorists in disabled vehicles."

AAA added it has worked to expand existing Move Over laws to include all workers and motorists at the side of the road, with Kentucky joining more than 20 other states to protect motorists with a disabled vehicle.

While all 50 states have a variation of a Move Over law, AAA said drivers often indicate when surveyed they are unaware of these laws or uncertain which groups or types of vehicles apply. The agency added expanding Kentucky's existing Slow Down, Move Over law aims to reduce confusion by requiring drivers to extend caution to anyone displaying flashing lights on or around a stationary vehicle stopped roadside. 


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