LOUISVILLE, Ky. — More than 40 Jefferson County Public Schools students are attending a program for kids who are deaf and hard of hearing this summer.

What You Need To Know

  • Jefferson County Public Schools is offering a four-week camp for students who are deaf and hard of hearing

  • Officials with JCPS say students who are deaf and hard of hearing make up 1% of the population

  • The camp gives students a chance to learn and socialize with other children who are like them

The four-week camp brings students together from all across the district. It gives the students a chance to socialize with other children who are like them.

JCPS sayS students who are deaf and hard of hearing make up 1% of the population.

“That often means that kids are somewhat isolated. They may be the only deaf and hard-of-hearing student that is at their school and the only experience that the school may have with a deaf and hard-of-hearing student. So, getting them all together helps the students greatly. They get to see other students like them, learn that they’re not alone, they make friends here that last a lifetime,” said JCPS Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program Supervisor Christina Delk. 

Officials say many students come back to the program every summer. 

This year’s theme is animal adaptations. Students can make crafts and learn about topics like bioluminescence, while also learning the importance of communication, social skills and advocacy.

Other programs JCPS is offering this summer include the backpack league and literacy camps.