LEXINGTON, Ky. — With activities, vendors and performances, the Lexington Pride Center held its annual Pride Festival Saturday, June 29 at the Central Bank Center. 

What You Need To Know

  • The Lexington Pride Festival returned Saturday, June 29 

  • Thousands of people attended, checking out vendors and performances 

  • Several organizations were at the festival handing out information on the resources they provide to the community

“This festival allows people to be themselves," said Catherine Taylor, Lexington Pride Center director of development. "And for people who may not be comfortable coming out yet or comfortable in their skin, this is a way that they can come and enjoy themselves without the pressure of feeling like they have to come out." 

Trans Parent Lex was one of the many organizations with a table set up at the festival handing out information on their work. The organization supports parents who have transgender children.

“We just try to provide a kind and loving presence to every person who comes by this table,” said Beth Scherfee, one of the organization’s co-founders.

The festival is a large fundraising event for the Lexington Pride Center, which is open three days a week. More on its services can be found on its website