LOUISVILLE, Ky. — As the popularity of weight loss drugs that reduce appetite has risen, so has its use among teens. Doctors say it’s the latest way to address obesity among young people. 

What You Need To Know

  • Weight-loss drugs are gaining popularity among teens

  • Products like Ozempic and Wegovy reduce a person’s appetite

  • Doctors say it is the latest way to address childhood obesity

  • Still, they stress it is not the right solution for everybody

Semaglutide drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy are GLP-1 agonists. According to the Mayo Clinic, these drugs reduce a person’s appetite, and help people lose weight. Originally, they were developed for people with type 2 diabetes. 

A report published in the JAMA medical journal this month from researchers at the University of Michigan found that the number of teens and young adults using these drugs for weight loss rose significantly between 2020 and 2023, by nearly 600%. 

Childhood obesity in Kentucky continues to be a major health concern for doctors. One study last year found nearly a quarter of kids between 10 and 17 in the state are considered obese. It puts Kentucky as one state with the highest rates of childhood obesity.

Dr. Sara Watson is an endocrinologist at Wendy Novak Diabetes Institute and Norton Children’s in Louisville. (Spectrum News 1/Mason Brighton)

“So I really think it’s important that we address obesity in childhood so that we can help individuals maintain health throughout their lifetime,” said Dr. Sara Watson, an endocrinologist at Wendy Novak Diabetes Institute and Norton Children’s.

Watson believes these drugs can help combat childhood obesity.

“So these medications work by telling your body that you feel full sooner and then help you lose weight,” Watson explained.

Watson says they work well but are not a magic cure, adding a strong foundation of healthy eating and exercise is still a must. 

“Those changes are still foundational to everything we do, but the medications can really add to that and help individuals be successful with more weight loss so they can achieve those health goals,” Watson said.

The doctor emphasizes each medication comes with side effects and is not right for everybody. 

As for the costs, weight loss medications can cost upwards of a thousand dollars per month and are not always covered by insurance. 

All of this, she says, are topics families should discuss with their child’s doctor. 

“A lot of health care that’s specific to your kiddo, they’re going to be able to best advice you on,” Watson said.

Watson stresses the importance of addressing obesity early, stating if left unchecked, it can lead to more medical issues down the road. 

Medications like Ozempic and Wegovy have only been approved by the FDA for use by teens in the last few years. 

In 2023, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended their use for children and teens who are obese.