BOWLING GREEN, Ky. — Construction has begun on a new building in Bowling Green. The building is called “High Street Tower," and is a project led by Med Center Health.

What You Need To Know

  • Med Center Health is constructing a new building that will house women's and children’s services, and will include one of the largest obstetrics units in Kentucky

  • "High Street Tower" will be an estimated 180,000 square feet, and will be located near Med Center’s Emergency services

  • It will be five stories. The plan is to open in summer of 2026

  • The tower will also provide three additional floors for future expansion of the emergency department, surgery, endoscopy, and additional medical and surgical beds

The building will be a new location for women's and children’s services at Med Center Health, and will include one of the largest obstetrics units in Kentucky.

Eli Jackson, the board chairman for Medical Center of Bowling Green, said, “All the women’s health, all the obstetric, gynecology and delivery, will be going on there, all the operating rooms, and the patient-centered care after the delivery.”

The building will be about 180,000 square feet, and will be located near Med Center’s Emergency services.

Program Director for the OBGYN Residency Program Jeffery Nemec says this will help solve issues that come up because of the lack of space available.

Nemec said, “There are times we’ve had patients out in the hallway because we did not have physical rooms for them to be in. Just the fact we’re going to have that added space allows us to continue to care for patients that we have.“

One of the recent delivering patients was India Blankenship. She said providing more floors and equipment for labor will ultimately help more mothers who are delivering by providing everything they need throughout the process.

Blankenship said, “It’s scary and nerve-racking, you don’t know the outcome, you don’t know what’s going to happen when they tell you they don’t know if your baby will be breathing when it comes out or it’s going to be two pounds. So it’s a little bit of trauma, but we’re just thankful for everyone who had a hand in everything.”

The building will be five stories. The plan is to open in the summer of 2026.

The tower will also provide three additional floors for future expansion of the emergency department, surgery, endoscopy, and additional medical and surgical beds.