LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Jefferson County Public Schools has several students that speak different languages, but students whose first language isn’t English are receiving a bit of help.

What You Need To Know

  • The peer tutoring program has been at Fairdale High School started six years ago

  • There are currently 25 peer tutors at Fairdale High School to help students whose first language isn’t English

  • Seneca has a program as well. JCPS hopes to expand the opportunity to other schools

Jennifer Ramos attends Fairdale High School, but her first language isn’t English.

Having peer tutors like Genesis Reyes, who speaks both English and Spanish to help translate, gives her the confidence she needs in the classroom.

“She said, It feels very great to have someone to be there to translate for you, to have someone to be there for you and to be able to translate what you’re learning on a daily basis,” said Ramos, Reyes translated.

Brenda Hernandez Reyes and Miranda Ruiz are also peer tutors. They say they are helping to make sure every student feels welcomed and comfortable. 

“Just it makes them feel like they can actually progress and they don’t feel behind because they’re getting all their information at the same time as everybody else,” said Ruiz.

Reyes added, “And they also feel part of like the school environment, like not everybody feels like they are part of something, but this way they have like friends automatically.”

English teacher Kate Adams says having peer tutors has made a dramatic difference not only in her teaching content but for the students as well.

“There’s so much that you can’t do in real time with that language barrier that having a student that’s really making relationships with the students here and making them feel comfortable then helps them do the classwork,” said Adams.

Jennifer Ramos wants to go to college to be a veterinarian thanks to her new confidence in English.

“To help us in the future and I hope her only, but so many more students. Because it makes them lose or be less afraid of speaking English here in school and that she can talk to her other friends and they will no longer be afraid either to speak English or speak Spanish in school and have someone to translate them in English,” said Ramos through Reyes.

Peer tutors are hoping other bilingual students will be encouraged to step up and give others the same opportunity.

There are 25 peer tutors at Fairdale High School. Seneca has a program as well. JCPS says it hopes to expand the opportunity to other schools.