LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Hundreds of University of Louisville students spent their holiday in a unique way. The university hosted its annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, offering students the opportunity to give back. 

What You Need To Know

  •  Around 200 students attended Martin Luther King Day of Service at the University of Louisville

  •  Students made blankets, packed meals and warming kits for people in need

  •  Martin Luther King Jr. Day is the only federal holiday designated as a national day of service

  • UofL hosts the Day of Service event annually

“We are making blankets for the Sisters of the Poor, so they will be warm during this winter,” said August Green, freshman at UofL. 

Green and her friends said they made as many blankets as they could. A process the students said started out as a challenge.

“I need your help,” said Green. But as they snipped and tied up the blankets, they said the process got easier.

Even with today’s below freezing temperatures, the students said they got out of bed ready to serve.

“We woke up and actually we looked at the weather and it was 7 degrees and we were like, let’s tackle today,” she said. 

And tackle it they did, trekking across campus to make sure others in the community are staying warm.

“It feels like we’re giving back to our community, even though we’re in a fortunate position, you know, to be able to help,” she said.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is the only federal holiday designated as a national day of service, so, every year UofL hosts its Day of Service.

“And that’s really what MLK focused on during his legacy. He focused on not only the civil rights, but giving back to the community and giving back to oppressed communities that really needed the work and the help done and so today, that’s why we honor him,” said Veronica Lam, service co-coordinator of the Engage Lead Serve Board at UofL.

Green encourages others to volunteer in the community.

“I just feel like if you can, do it,” Green said. 

Student organizers said around 200 students were in attendance.

Students at UofL’s Day of Service also packed meals and made warm kits for around 10 organizations in need.