LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Cold temperatures are sending dozens of people experiencing homelessness to a Louisville shelter. Wayside Christian Mission is participating in Operation White Flag, meaning when temperatures or wind chill drop below 35 degrees, the shelter takes in everyone it can.

What You Need To Know

  • Wayside Christian Mission is participating in Operation White Flag. When temperatures or wind chill go below 35 degrees, the shelter takes in everyone it can

  • Tamara Sherley, 37, is staying at Wayside Christian Mission until her new apartment is ready 

  • Wayside Christian Mission is taking in single men and women, families and accepts pets

  • The shelter is open 24/7

If it wasn’t for this shelter, Tamara Sherley doesn’t know where she would have gone. She is in the process of moving, but her new apartment isn't ready, so she's staying at Wayside to get help. 

"It's been great; they're making sure that we stay warm," she said. "Everybody's been nice and friendly." 

The 37-year-old said she's no stranger to the cold, as she's from Detroit and knows how brutal winter can be. 

"People are not used to this cold, so they [are] fortunate to have a place like Wayside to get an opportunity to stay warm and not die in the freezing cold."

The shelter's 200 beds are full, but workers are setting up mats and rearranging rooms to make space for people who need warmth. 

"We have people everywhere," said Nina Moseley, Wayside Christian Mission CEO. "That's a good thing because that means they're not out on the street where they have a danger of freezing, frostbite, all of those things that come along with staying out in the elements. We're very glad to take people in."

There are about 650 people under Wayside's roof, Moseley said, including 75 who came in Friday. 

"I'm just glad they [opened] their doors to me," Sherley said. 

Wayside Christian Mission accepts single men and women, families, dogs and cats. The shelter is open 24/7.