LOUISVILLE, Ky. — In 2019, the Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport announced the $400 million terminal investments and improvements. Phase One in their Airport Security Checkpoint Expansion is now underway.

What You Need To Know

  • Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport announced the $400 million terminal investments and improvements back in 2019

  • Currently the airport has seven screening lanes and by the end year they will have state-of-the-art technology and 10 screening lanes 

  • While construction is going on, your normal TSA Pre-check and general screening lines will temporary be a single-file line

  • The airport construction for Phase One just started and anticipates it will continue into early April, just in time for Derby season. The hope is to have the new facility by the end of the year

“You know, I think this is just this is really very exciting for us simply because we’ve been talking about this for a number of years. We know that the checkpoint is a type of tight point of the flow here for the passengers, and we want people to have a good experience when they’re arriving and departing SDF,” said Natalie Chaudoin, director of public relations with Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport.

The Louisville airport is creating an entirely new checkpoint facility. Chaudoin says with the growth SDF has seen in the last few years, this expansion will only help improve efficiency.

“We’ll have more lanes to be able to screen people. So our capabilities will obviously increase, our efficiencies will significantly improve with that, especially with the record growth that we’re seeing right now. So we think this is kind of the first step in this multi-phase process to be able to have room to get the queue lines where we need them to be, give police people plenty of time to queue up for the process,” explained Chaudoin.

While construction is going on, your normal TSA Pre-check and general screening lines will look a little different.

“The temporary queue lines are going to be single file, one line for TSA pre-check, one line for general screening, and those will go past the Today store down our west hall. So don’t be alarmed. We do not anticipate longer than normal wait times, although it just may feel that way because the lines are going to be in single file versus being able to kind of sneak through,” said Chaudoin.

Some recommendations Chaudoin suggests for passengers for a seamless airport experience is to monitor your flight schedule and the weather along with arriving at least two hours early to your flight. The airport construction for Phase One just started and will continue into early April, just in time for Derby season. The hope is to have the completed new facility by the end of the year.