BOWLING GREEN, Ky. — Some teachers are about to hit the books again, as a new program aims to help teachers better reach their students.

What You Need To Know

  • BloomBoard is providing training to help teachers tailor their lessons to meet the individual needs of their students

  • It will offer online courses to teachers and will give them about one to four years to complete them

  • One of the teachers who signed up was history teacher Darren Bowen, whose passion for teaching wasn’t realized until later in his life

The program is called BloomBoard and is a teacher coaching platform that would use technology to take the principles of differentiated instruction for students and apply those principles to teacher development and support. With that core mission in mind, BloomBoard has evolved to a platform for professional learning with purpose via “micro-credentials.”

“What better way to help students learn tools than to continue to advance myself,” said Shanté Galloway, the environment and social recruitment coordinator at Warren County Public Schools.

BloomBoard is providing training to help teachers tailor their lessons to meet the individual needs of their students, and will offer online courses to teachers. The program gives them about one to four years to complete.

Those selected for the program were deemed some of the best teachers in the county by Warren County Public Schools. One of the teachers who signed up was history teacher Darren Bowen, whose passion for teaching wasn’t realized until later in his life.

“Look, my senior class picture, if you would’ve asked anyone who is not going to be a teacher, it would be this guy,” Bowen shared.

But once he started, the passion was lit, and students were appreciative.

“Just knowing, so many times, it’s at the end of the day those secret notes a student had left that says ‘You’re the reason I come to school every day.’ Or, ‘I look forward to your class every day,’” Bowen said.

Bowen hopes that by being involved in this program it will challenge other teachers to continue their education as well and set a good example.

“It just shows your other colleagues that the program that you’re in, and the goals that you got for yourself, you’re not settling for mediocrity, and you’re trying to get better in the profession,” he said.