LEXINGTON, Ky. — Hundreds of people gathered at the Lyric Theatre for this year’s annual “12 Divas of Christmas Extravaganza” fundraiser for Moveable Feast, an organization that prepares and delivers food to low-income people in Lexington who have HIV/AIDS.

What You Need To Know

  • "12 Divas of Christmas Extravaganza" is an annual drag show fundrasier for "Moveable Feast"

  • "Moveable Feast" prepares and delivers food to low-income people who have HIV/AIDS

  • The organization invites "local celebrities" to get decked out in drag and perform

  • Vice Mayor Dan Wu was among one of the "local celebrities" to participate this year

The “12 Divas of Christmas Extravaganza” fundraiser has taken place the past two years. Packed crowds have helped raise over $25,000 for the organization each year. "Local celebrities" are invited to dress in drag and perform, with Lexington Vice Mayor Dan Wu being one of them this year.  

“We find it very, very important to have celebrities come because they draw people that normally wouldn’t come to a drag show out to see a drag show, and it’s always nice to have or see support,” said Terry Mullins, Moveable Feast executive director. 

Dan Wu on stage performing Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face” (Spectrum News 1/Geraldine Torrellas)

Wu performed Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face” to a large crowd using the stage name "The Lady of the Vice." As he was getting ready, he couldn’t help but appreciate the work it takes for drag performers to get ready.

Wu followed in the footsteps of former Vice Mayor Steve Kay, who performed last year. Wu was excited to have the opportunity to help raise money for a cause he supports.

“I think for me being here today," Wu said, "It’s not just as Dan Wu, a resident of Lexington, but the office that I represent. If the vice mayor of Lexington comes out and supports an event like this and a community like this, I think it’s very meaningful for folks to see that.” 

Wu received a standing ovation in response to his performance. 

Moveable Feast prepares and delivers food five days a week. It costs about $5 a day to feed each individual. The “12 Divas of Christmas Extravaganza” fundraiser is one of the organization’s biggest of the year. For information on how to volunteer, click here.