LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Applications are being accepted for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP).

For the fall subsidy programs that provide heating and water assistance for low-income residents.

  • LIHEAP has already served over 6,000 households
  • Requirements include being Jefferson County resident at or below 150% of the federal poverty guidelines

  • Necessary documents include ID, Social Security cards for everyone in the household, and have proof of last month’s income along with heat and water bill.

  • LIHEAP’s fall subsidy ends on December 15th or until funding is depleted

LIHEAP’s Supervisor Brandon O’Neal has been helping residents for 6 years and said his team has seen a higher need compared to years past.

“We’ve already served over 6,000 households, and we’re hoping to do more,” said O’Neal.

O’Neal said this program provides a sense of relief to their clients during the colder months.

“Oftentimes people come in trying to decide whether they want to pay for their bills or their medication,” said O’Neal. “Serious things, right? And they want to keep their heat on and they want to keep their food cold. So, utilizing that program has been paramount in terms of helping our people.”

But there are some requirements to receive this assistance.

“They have to be a Jefferson County resident at or below 150% of the federal poverty guidelines,” said O’Neal.

If approved, applicants can come in one time during the subsidy phase.

“That subsidy phase is between November and December. However, we also have a crisis phase that starts in January,” said O’Neal. “If they’ve already been in during the subsidy phase, they can also come back in January or during the crisis phase.”

LIHEAP encourages applicants to bring their ID, Social Security cards for everyone in the household, and have proof of last month’s income along with their heat and water bill.

To book an appointment at one of the seven different LIHEAP office locations throughout Louisville, visit www.Louisvilleky.cascheduler.com or call 502-991-8391

LIHEAP’s fall subsidy ends on Dec. 15 or until funding is depleted.