VINGTON, Ky. — National Teen Driving Safety Week is Oct. 15-21 and the Kentucky Office of Highway Safety wants to equip teens and parents with safe driving skills. Local driving school, Sure-Drive LLC is teaching students road safety and responsibility.

What You Need To Know

  • Oct. 15-21 is National Teen Driving Safety Week
  • The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet says over 44,000 crashes involving teens have happened in the past three years
  • Sure0Drive is one of five driving schools in northern Kentucky trying to make sure teens are properly prepared to get behind the wheel

Michael McGrath, owner of Sure-Drive LLC, said his goal is to teach teens the rules of the road so they can be safe.

McGrath said, “I think there was right around 200 deaths in vehicle accidents involving teenagers. So, with the amount of teenagers that we have in the local high schools, I just think it’s really important to continue to get these kids out on the road every day, teach them the importance of not texting and driving.”

According to the Office of Highway Safety, in the past three years, there were over 44,000 crashes involving teen drivers. These resulted in over 13,000 injuries and over 200 deaths.

McGrath added, “If you’re not teaching these, you know, defensive driving tactics and things like that, being aware of your surroundings. And there’s really nobody safe around you.”

Bill Bell is the Executive Director of Highway Safety with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) and he reinforced what McGrath had to say about teen driving safety.

Bell said, “We want zero families to be affected by traffic crashes and fatalities. So, I would say pay attention to what’s going on the roadways.”

McGrath said, “I think it’s really important to not just focus on passing your test and getting your license, as exciting as that is, but really turning out safe drivers.”

He said some of the best safe driving methods come from preparing before drivers even get to the road. McGrath suggested drivers adust their seats, buckle seatbelts and adjust the rear-view mirror. He added those tips keep drivers one step closer to being safe on the road.

Sure-Drive is one of five driving schools in northern Kentucky. McGrath said he’s always looking for students to take part in his program. There is more information on their website.