LEXINGTON, Ky. — In Lexington, police continue recruiting efforts as the department continues to be short on officers. Departments nationwide have had difficulty keeping a fully staffed police squad.

What You Need To Know

  • Six new officers graduated from the Lexington Police training academy Friday 

  • The department, like many others nationwide, is facing a shortage of officers with 115 needed

  • Chief Lawrence Weathers says recruiting efforts are working with more and more applicants 

  • The department is currently taking applications for police officers

Friday morning, six recruits became officers and officially joined the Lexington Police Department, graduating from the department’s rigorous training academy in front of family and friends.

“It always takes me back to my graduation and my father was there, my mother was there, and both cried. I was like I’m just taking a new job mom and dad, but they realized even more than I did that it’s not, it’s a calling, it’s a way of life,” said Police Chief Lawrence Weathers.

Weathers says the class started at 19 and after one month dwindled to six, but says it’s about quality over quantity.

“Everybody thinks a recruit class has to be large for it to mean something, but I’m telling you right now, every little bit counts. We need people, but we need quality people, we need people that are going to be there not just through the academy but for this community too,” Weathers said.

Each recruit received their badges and was sworn to protect and serve with Lexington Mayor Linda Gorton.

“You are recognized as someone who can be trusted. You are the person our residents call in the most difficult hours of their lives,” Gorton said.

The department is short around 115 officers, but Weathers says recruiting efforts are working.

“We’re getting more people applying, plus we’re allowing retirees to come back and they are making a heck of a difference, too. Yeah, I’d like to see larger classes but if I can’t get that I’m going to take you if you’re willing to come,” Weathers said.

The training academy is 32 weeks, and applicants must be 21 to 40 years of age at the filing deadline. The department is now hiring and the deadline to apply is Nov. 6.