LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The Louisville Metro community has come together to keep kids busy during the unexpected time off spurred by bus and transportation issues.

What You Need To Know

  • The Louisville Metro community has come together to keep kids busy during the unexpected time off spurred by bus and transportation issues

  • State lawmakers organized a pop-up explore nature nearby program at the Louisville Nature Center free for JCPS families

  • Some other activities available for Louisville families include free movies at Iroquois Amphitheater and discounted admission at the Louisville Zoo

  • JCPS officials said more word on school closures, and whether the postponement will extend past Wednesday, will be announced Monday

Anthony Gaines II was enjoying the August day with his family in the park while reflecting on the issue.

“School’s canceled the next two days and I understand. There’s a major busing problem right now, and I know [Superintendent Marty] Pollio has a lot of big decisions to make,” said Gaines. 

Last week, all JCPS classes were canceled after what was called a “transportation disaster.” Some students didn’t arrive home until close to 10 p.m. on the first day of school Wednesday.

Since then, school has been called off to allow time for JCPS to improve busing and for drivers to learn their routes. 

To help make the time fly, local organizations are coming together to keep kids busy during the unexpected time off.

“I’ve got a JCPS 3rd grader and a 4th grader,” State Rep. Josie Raymond, D-Louisville, said. “So I know the anxiety and the frustration and the pain parents are feeling right now.”

Raymond has organized a pop-up explore nature nearby program at the Louisville Nature Center free for JCPS families. The program runs Aug. 14-15 from 10 a.m. to noon.

Raymond says it is best for ages 6-10 with a caregiver. 

Some other activities available for Louisville families include free movies at Iroquois Amphitheater and discounted admission at the Louisville Zoo.

“Anytime the community comes together to put on events and activities for kids to be able to occupy their time during this time, you know I’m a fan,” said Gaines. 

Gaines and his family hope to attend local events during this unexpected break.

“We got three kids. So, they’ve been in the house all summer long,” he said. “Whatever activities that we can get to, we definitely will take our kids out to.” 

JCPS officials said more word on school closures, and whether the postponement will extend past Wednesday, will be announced on Monday.