LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Jefferson County Public Schools is wrapping up its first day of classes. This year there were quite a few changes, including completely new bus routes and start times. Superintendent Marty Pollio says the problems with the rollout will be resolved in the next two weeks. 

What You Need To Know

  •  Aug. 9 was the first day of school for Jefferson County Public Schools. 

  •  This year there were new bus routes and start times for the district

  •  The superintendent says the problems will be worked out within the next two weeks. 

Neahemiah Lucky got to sleep in before his first day of his senior year at Fern Creek High School

“It’s great because I can go to bed at 11 p.m. And wake up at like 7:30 and have eight and a half hours of sleep. And that’s like really good for me,” said Lucky.

This year students in the district have staggered start times, meaning for students here, their day starts one hour later. But for Lucky’s parents, there are still a couple of headaches.

“At the end of the day, it’s like we don’t have as much time as we used to after school, and it just messes with their schedule because they both work, so trying to go to work and trying to get their kids to school is like a little bit of a struggle,” he said. 

It’s going to take some time for some to adapt to the new changes, but for Brent Peters, a veteran teacher at Fern Creek, he likes to focus on what has stayed the same.

“The things that haven’t changed are why we’re here and what we’re doing and what we care about, which is our kids and helping them and moving them along and being here for each other, developing a strong community and, you know, moving forward together,” said the 10th grade English teacher. 

Over time, Pollio says the changes will become routine.

“There’s going to be delays. It’s going to take some time. But what i can assure families of that will continue to lessen and reduce as we go along in the next week to two weeks and we will have it where it is, you know, extremely efficient once we get moving in the next couple of weeks,” he said. 

The first day of school can be a stressful time, especially with all these changes, but for Lucky, it’s just a regular day.

“Seeing my new teachers, my new classmates, and it’s not very bad at all. So, I’m used to it. It’s just another first day,” he said. 

If a bus didn’t show up at a stop today, the superintendent is recommending that parents make sure they are entering their address correctly on the district’s bus finder webpage.

If the problem continues, he said to call your school.