LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Students across Kentucky are getting ready to go back to school. Which means for a lot of kids news clothes and a fresh haircut. Trim Nulu adds appointments to keep up with demand. 

What You Need To Know

  •  Book your hair cut appointment as early as possible to get it done before school  

  •  Trim Nulu added appointsments to help with the increase in demand

  • Zara Wiggins, a North Oldham senior got her haircut  less than a week before the first day of school to look good for her senior portraits

“I chose to do it as soon as before school starts for my senior portraits,” said Zara Wiggins, who is a high school senior.

Wiggins got her haircut on Aug. 3 to look good for her senior of high school.

“I just want to look my best and as put together as possible,” she said. 

She is not alone. Sean Stafford, Trim Nulu CEO, says it is one of the busiest times at his salon. 

“Yes, it will get busier for kids. We stay busy anyway, but the influx of kids comes right around this time of year,” he said. 

To accommodate the influx he says his salon is increasing the number of appointments. He recommends booking as early as possible.

“Get in early. Make your appointment. The last thing you want to do is start calling the day before because a lot of other people are doing that and you’re not going to find a spot,” he said.

Zara says it’s a stressful time in her life, but with her haircut out of the way, it’s one less thing for the North Oldham senior to worry about. 

“I just got my haircut for the first time in like two years, but I always get it done here and I got it dyed and cut and I like it,” Wiggins said. 

The 17-year-old’s first day of school is Aug. 9.