LEXINGTON, Ky. — Harnessing the power of the sun can help lower utility bills in Lexington. Mayor Linda Gorton joined officials Tuesday to tout the city's sustainability program, Solarize Lexington, which helps homeowners affordably install solar panels.

What You Need To Know

  • Solarize Lexington provides tax credits to Lexington homeowners who install solar panels

  • The program is open to all homeowners in Lexington. Other property owners—nonprofits, small businesses, places of worship—are welcome to apply

  • 38 of 58 recent additions to the program have been for low- and moderate-income households

  • To date through Solarize Lexington, homeowners have committed to install nearly 500 kW of residential solar, equating to 14,000 tons of CO2 emissions avoided over the life of the solar panels

The program provides a discount of up to 23% for residential solar panel installation. Gorton said dozens have already taken advantage of the initiative.

“Solarize Lexington has provided an amazing opportunity for Lexington residents to safely have solar panels installed on their home, at a discounted rate,” Gorton said. “This sustainability program is helping homeowners reduce their dependence on the electric grid.”

The program is open to all homeowners in Lexington. Other property owners—nonprofits, small businesses, places of worship—are welcome to apply.

To learn if your property qualifies, fill out the Solarize Lexington interest form before the Friday, September 1, deadline at LexingtonKY.gov/solar. Filling out the form does not obligate you to buy anything.

If your roof is a good fit for solar, considering factors like your roof's direction, how shaded it is and the amount of space available, your information will be shared with the installer who will contact you to discuss next steps.  If your roof is not a good fit for solar, the reason(s) will be shared with you.

“The launch of Solarize Lexington in 2023 has proven to be a major step forward in community solar growth in Kentucky,” said Steve Ricketts, chair of the Kentucky Solar Energy Society. “Building on last year’s nationally recognized Solar Over Louisville campaign, Lexington has put a very strong focus on providing low-and moderate-income households equitable grant-supported access to renewable energy options."

Ricketts said 38 of 58 new additions to the program have been for low- and moderate-income households.

The program represents the single largest clean energy investment in Kentucky specifically aimed at helping low- and moderate-income households. In 2022, Lexington provided $1 million in one-time grant funding to cover 100% of the solar panel installation for qualified low- and moderate-income homeowners.

To date through Solarize Lexington, homeowners have committed to install nearly 500 kW of residential solar, equating to 14,000 tons of CO2 emissions avoided over the life of the solar panels.

Participants are responsible for the (discounted) cost of solar panels and installation. Federal tax credits are available to help offset costs. All solar installations will be individual contracts between the property owner and the solar installer.