LEXINGTON, Ky. — Burger lovers rejoice, Monday marked the beginning of Lexington Burger Week.

What You Need To Know

  • Lexington Burger Week runs from July 10-16

  • Participating restaurants are offering $7 specialty burgers with unique flavors and toppings 

  • Mi Mi's Southern Style Kitchen is offering two burger options; a taco burger and BBQ burger 

All-week, July 10 through July 16, participating restaurants will feature one-of-a-kind burgers fixed with unique toppings and flavors.

For kitchen manager Larree Coomer, every dish at Mi Mi’s Southern Style Kitchen needs no recipe.

“[Everything here] is made from scratch and with love. Don’t forget the with love part,” Coomer said.

As Coomer describes, their food is home-style, and made fresh in the kitchen daily. She said their traditional menu is food “your grandma” would make in her kitchen.

“We have some smothered baked chicken, we have some fried pork chops, of course, our house made cornbread, some fried chicken,” Coomer said.

But during Lexington Burger Week, Mimi’s is one of many restaurants changing their menu a bit, serving up their take on America’s favorite summer food — the burger.

“I like the challenge of getting those burgers out and kind of seeing how many burgers we sell in a day, it’s like a competition,” Coomer said.

It’s also a week where many local restaurants see more customers coming through their doors.

“We need all hands on deck on a day like today and we have a few extra hands today because we knew it would be busy,” Coomer said.

Coomer has worked at the business for almost two years, but it’s been open for nine. But she’s been fixing meals her whole life and enjoys it.

“My favorite part is creating new dishes and really seeing people smile. I love when people walk up and say those were the best mashed potatoes or those were the best greens I’ve ever had. It gives me a lot of joy,” Coomer said.

Mi Mi’s and other restaurants have dine-in, to-go or delivery options. The restaurant is cooking up a ‘Loco Taco Burger’ and ‘Baby Backyard BBQ Burger’ this week.

For a full list of participating restaurants head to the Lexington Burger Week website.