LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Jefferson County Public Schools came together to feed the hungry. Middle schoolers from all over the district assembled almost 10,000 food baskets. 

What You Need To Know

  • Jefferson County Public Schools middle schoolers came together to assemble close to 10,000 food baskets 

  •  The baskets will be donated all over the world 

  •  Students volunteering are a part of the Explore Ambassadors Program at JCPS

  • The program allows students to receive hands-on learning experiences and leadership training

Fourteen-year-old Shining Bhattari is an Explore Pathways ambassador for JCPS. It’s an inaugural program that brings seventh and eighth-grade students together to help their community. 

“Volunteering is a big thing. We are able to help people out. And I think this is a big thing to help become successful in the future,” said Bhattari. 

Ninety ambassadors from eight middle schools came together to assemble meals at Love the Hungry, an organization dedicated to feeding victims of world hunger from around the world. 

Students packed bags of dry food. Each bag contains six servings. There are over 200 meals in one box. 

The Explore Pathways program encourages students to dream big and make a difference. 

“Part of the explorer experience is thinking about a larger, broader expansion of work at a younger age,” said Elizabeth Cannaly, an Explore Pathways program coach. 

Bhattari is already making moves to become a doctor. He encourages others to volunteer and join in on the fun. 

“This is something we all should do,” Bhattari said. 

The Explore Pathways program will continue helping others in our community and around the world.