FRANKFORT, Ky. — This weekend across the Bluegrass, Kentuckians are encouraged to try a new activity aimed at beautifying the state.

What You Need To Know

  • Plogging means picking up litter while jogging or walking

  • Plogging gained popularity during the pandemic and has origins in Sweden

  • March 3 was proclaimed Plogging Across Kentucky day by Lt. Gov. Jacqueline Coleman

  • Events will happen across the state of Kentucky

Plogging Across Kentucky starts this weekend. Plogging is dubbed as a great way for runners, joggers and walkers alike to get their bodies moving and help the environment.

From Lexington to Louisville, Keep Kentucky Beautiful is encouraging residents to go plogging.

“Plogging is actually a phenomenon that started right before the pandemic happened and took off during the pandemic," said Lorri Roberts with Louisville's Brightside organization.

Plogging stands for picking up litter while walking or jogging, and this March 3 through March 5 is Plogging Across Kentucky.

“We will have events happening from east to west,, north to south. There should be something near you wherever you are," Roberts said.

Roberts said plogging can happen at anytime and anywhere.

“So taking an hour with a Kroger sack or a trash bag and picking up litter at your park where kids play," Roberts said.

It doesn’t matter how fast you run, walk or jog and even picking up one piece of trash can make a difference in your community.

“Think about it, one piece a day doesn’t seem like that much, but that’s 365 pieces of trash a year that otherwise would’ve just been blowing around on the street," Roberts said.

Littering can be intentional or accidental but all trash negatively impacts humans daily.

“Litter affects environmental, community and individual health as well as quality of life, economic development, the circularity of the economy, safety of our water, environmental justice and our climate," said Sheila Fields with the City of Covington.

Lt. Gov. Jacqueline Coleman was on hand to proclaim March 3 as Plogging Across Kentucky day.