GEORGETOWN, Ky. — At the AMEN House in Georgetown, the contest is underway to collect as many cans of soup as possible by this Sunday, in their own version of the big game.

What You Need To Know

  •  The Amen House is working to end hunger in Scott County

  •  Inspired by the Super Bowl, they are hosting a SOUPer Bowl and collecting cans of soup.

  • If you would like to contribute, Amen House says 10 ounce to 20 ounce cans work best

  • You can drop off soup at 319 East Main Street location weekday mornings 9am to noon with extra hours on Tuesday noon to 3:00 p.m. and Thursday 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.

“So here at the AMEN house, we are celebrating the Souper Bowl. Not the Super Bowl, not the Super Bowl game, but the Souper Bowl, S-O-U-P-E-R,” said Michele Carlisle, executive director of AMEN House.

For Carlisle, the big game became a big inspiration to help the community. They are collecting cans of soup in the lead up to the Super Bowl to feed hungry people.

“Honestly, just listening to the word Super Bowl, how do you not hear soup? It’s all I could hear was Souper Bowl. And what an opportunity to do something fun, to get the community engaged in making sure that we can end hunger in Scott County,” Carlisle said.

The AMEN House needs about 900-cans of soup each month to meet the local need. Their recently added Backpack Weekend Meals program ups that total by an additional 519 cans of soup. That is a lot of soup!

“We go through a lot of soup. It’s just a reality, “ Carlisle explained. “So in-house, we probably run through about 900 cans a month with all of our programs that we have here, whether that’s our full food order that goes out, they also go in our homeless outreach program and in that supplemental to help people get through the end of the month. But we’re also supporting five schools this year with a backpack program that makes sure kids have what they need to eat on the weekends when they’re away from the school cafeteria, and we go through over 500 cans a month just supporting that program alone. So, we go through a lot of soup.”

A lot of soup, that those at the Amen House hope will fill these shelves, thanks to the generosity from the community, and the SOUPer Bowl that could help to end hunger in Scott County.

“So here at the AMEN House, we really don’t care who wins the Super Bowl. We just want to win our Souper Bowl,” Carlisle declared.

If you would like to contribute, Amen House says 10 ounce to 20 ounce cans work best. You can drop off soup at 319 East Main Street location weekday mornings 9am to noon with extra hours on Tuesday noon to 3:00 p.m. and Thursday 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.