LEXINGTON, Ky. — The violence prevention grants are the first of their kind and will be given to the Family Resource and Youth Services Center, which helps children by providing support with basic needs, school attendance, social skills, and crisis response.

The grants will then be given out to 16 public schools. Ten schools will receive $1,000 and the six others will get $500.

What You Need To Know

  •  Mayor Linda Gorton announced that the City of Lexington will be giving violence prevention grants to 16 Fayette County schools

  •  Ten schools will receive $1,000 and six schools will receive $500

  •  Schools were chosen based on the prevalence of gun violence in communities
  • The grants will be used for programs and services to support students dealing with trauma from violence

“We looked at the schools that were in areas that were most impacted by gun violence and that’s how we chose the schools that we chose,” said Devine Carama, the director of ONE Lexington.

The grants are targeted at helping children who are dealing with violence in or around their home.

“Children who live in a home experiencing trauma related to violence need extra support," said Mayor Linda Gorton.

These types of situations can be difficult for young people to manage.

“The idea behind this funding is intentional funding for them to focus on services for youth directly impacted by gun violence, but then also to create partnership opportunities," said Carama.

The grants will be part of an on-going effort by the city of Lexington to decrease the rate of violence among children and young adults.

“We’re getting results," said Mayor Gorton. "Between 2021 and 2022, we saw a 50% decrease in gun-related homicides among youth and young adults and a 15% decrease in shootings.”

However the announcement of the grants come at the heels of a tragedy. A moment of silence took place during the news conference.

“Today is a great day but we’re also in here with a heavy heart as we were reminded last night of why we do the work that we do," said Carama.

A 24-year-old man named Marquis Antonio Tompkins Jr. was shot and killed last night in Lexington, according to the Fayette County Coroner's Office.

“This is the first homicide of the year but for us that doesn’t matter," said Carama. "It doesn’t matter how long the gap is… to us, somebody’s life was lost and the family’s life will never be the same.”

Mayor Gorton noted in the news conference that there is still work to be done. Officials are hopeful that initiatives like the grants announced today will be a positive step forward for the school district and government to work together on ways to reduce gun violence among young people.

“This grant opportunity is just the beginning of that partnership," said Carama.

Leaders hope that this will lead to safer communities and the ability to foster a more secure environment for children to learn in.