LEXINGTON, Ky. — The Breeders’ Cup 2022 has brought thousands of people from all over the world to Keeneland. They’re here to watch the world champions in thoroughbred horse racing. But with the number of people in Lexington, there are also a handful of staff working around the clock to make the spectacle a one of a kind experience. 

What You Need To Know

  • Kathy Mitchell and her husband have been shoe shining for a combined 10 years

  • Mitchell took over her husband’s stand after he passed away from cancer 

  • The stand was empty for nearly 5 years 

  • Mitchell now has a passion for shining shoes and meeting people from all over the world

One of those individuals is Keeneland shoe shiner Kathy Mitchell. For her, a love of horse racing turned into a lifelong passion. “My husband and I loved Keeneland, and we were here every day,” Mitchell said.

 Then she explained her husband learned of an abandoned shoeshine stand at the track. “This stand was here without anyone doing anything for about five years,” Mitchell said. So, with prior experience earned at Fort Knox, Mitchell said her husband took over the abandoned spot.

“He would shine a pair of shoes and he would run right over there to the first window and buy him a ticket,” Mitchell said. Shoe shining and gambling, both passions Mitchell said her husband had for two years inside Keeneland.

“He had cancer, So he was only able to do that for a couple of years but he loved it,” she said. And once her husband passed away, Mitchel realized he truly had the best job ever. 

“I found out I love shining shoes! You can make something so nasty just so beautiful just like that,” Mitchell said. And now for nearly 8 years, Mitchell has taken over her husband’s stand, shining shoes for people from all over the world. Sharing her story and memory of her husband one shoe at a time.

Mitchell said she attends as many Keeneland events as she can throughout the year. She also plans to be at this stand for many more years to come.