LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The shape-shifting evil that disguises itself as Pennywise the clown is back. This time, it’s roaming the streets of Louisville to prey on the town’s children. The frightening character from the horror film “It” now has its own personal chauffeur too — Andrew Johnson.

What You Need To Know

  • A Louisville man decorated his Jeep based on the “It” horror film

  • The Jeep features an animated Pennywise clown behind the driver’s wheel

  • Andrew Johnson is trying to raise funds toward purchasing a new transmission

“11 years ago, I was diagnosed with a disease and they said it was terminal and they gave me 5 years to live,” Johnson said. “So I thought I wanted to do something with my life that my kids would remember me by.”

That’s why he started decking out his own Jeeps with spooky decorations. The act gives other drivers the creeps and sometimes, even himself.

“I got in one day and I shut the door and the plug fell into place and he turned and looked at me and said, 'did you miss me? Because I missed you,'” Johnson said. “Boy, that was one of the times he just really really scared me.”

Whether it’s the blood-stained Jeep, the movie quote decals, or even Pennywise himself sitting behind the wheel, Andrew’s Jeep Creations keep fans wanting more.

“So this particular 'It,' I’ve done three times. The original 'It,' I did one time,” Johnson said. “I used to do 'A Nightmare Before Christmas,' which is one of my favorites, but I just can’t afford to do it this year.”

This year is different for Johnson.

“I’ve been doing it for so long. I have sold pretty much everything I own just to keep doing this and this Jeep we're in right now, the transmission is bad,” Johnson said.

After creating a GoFundMe Page, Johnson is nearly halfway to his goal of purchasing a new transmission. Johnson said it’s not typically like him to ask for help, but he's just thankful for those who have.

“I was very blessed to have a second chance to do that. After doing it, I would never stop doing this. I would do this until these, both of my Jeeps, just finally give up,” Johnson said.

Doctors have since cleared Johnson of his fearful diagnosis. He now lives a happy and healthy life and said he hopes to continue the legacy of Pennywise-decorated Jeeps for another 27 years.

If you would like to help Johnson purchase a new transmission for his Pennywise Jeep, click here