LOUISVILLE, Ky. — You’ll hear Shannon Pearson’s voice at Newburg Church of Christ answering the phone, singing in the choir, and sharing the importance of COVID-19 vaccines. 

What You Need To Know

  • Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness continues its vaccine clinic efforts

  • 65% of Jefferson County residents are fully vaccinated

  • Newburg Church of Christ held its first vaccine and booster clinic Monday

  • They will hold a second clinic at the church on March 27

“We are still in the red zone. We might be going down on our numbers, but we’re still in the red zone,” says Pearson, the church’s office administrator. 

The church hosted its first vaccine clinic in partnership with the Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness. 

Pearson says it’s a big deal for older people in her neighborhood.  

“I’ve been told that there are a lot of them that weren’t able to go to the different places, but they needed something in this area, so that’s what we were trying to do,” says Pearson. 

The church is one of many LouVax Community Clinics targeting vulnerable populations. 

64.5% of Jefferson County residents are fully vaccinated and 44% of that group has received the booster shot. 

Paul Kern, the LMPHW’s preparedness administrator, says the number of people getting vaccinated is slowing down, but there is still work to do even if cases drop. 

“Viruses are viruses and people that don’t understand virology don’t really get how adaptive they are, and how skilled they are and being able to survive and change themselves relatively quickly to adapt to whatever environment they may find themselves in and that includes people that are vaccinated,” says Kern. 

He says community clinics will continue to promote and help people understand the importance of getting vaccinated as long as there is a need. 

“If one person comes, it was worth all of this because we’re waiting on other people to get vaccinated because that’s what it’s all about,” says Pearson. 

The church will host a second vaccine clinic on March 7, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.