FRANKFORT, Ky. — Since the Dec. 2021 tornadoes that destroyed parts of Western Kentucky, relief and aid has poured in from across the country. Tuesday, Taiwan announced it is sending aid as well. 

What You Need To Know

  • Taiwan donates $100,000 to Western Kentucky Tornado Relief Fund

  • A humanitarian group also donated other goods and money to Bowling

  • Taiwan and the U.S. are longtime allies

  • Taiwan is the leading exporter of Kentucky goods

The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office joined Kentucky senators to be recognized for a $100,000 donation to the Western Kentucky Tornado Relief fund, which is helping with cleanup and rebuilding. The Tzu CHi Foundation is a Taiwanese humanitarian non-governmental agency. It sent volunteers, blankets, scarves, face masks and $1,000 gift cards to both Mayfield and Bowling Green after the storms.

The United States and Taiwan are longstanding allies, and the relationship with Kentucky is equally strong. In a release sent by the Senate Caucus, “Kentucky is only one of five states with a Taiwanese trade office. Taiwan is a leading exporter of goods from the commonwealth, supports approximately 1,900 jobs and invests $11 million into the state annually.”

“We greatly value our relationship with the good people of Taiwan,” said House Speaker David Osborne. “While our partnership was founded on a desire to increase trade, it has grown to include a mutual admiration of culture and a respect for what we can learn from each other.”