PETERBURG, Ky. — In Northern Kentucky this time of year, you'll find a unique outdoor winter walk that's definitely a magical way to celebrate the season.
"I love coming here at Christmas time to a guest coming from all over the world. I just met someone from Australia earlier today, someone from Chicago, and many of them consider this, who have been here before, consider this the finest display of Christmas lights anywhere in the Midwest," said Mark Looy with the Creation Museum.
Every year at this time, ChristmasTown at the Creation Museum in Peterburg is transformed into a winter wonderland of dazzling lights. Looy said time and time again, they get glowing feedback from visitors from around the nation.
"They'll see tens of thousands of dazzling lights here, a live nativity, animals, a very large miss tree and the plaza as people walk in. And then inside, we have some special Christmas video programs and all of these are free events," Looy added.
Visitors from around the world travel here to tour the dazzling garden of lights and to reflect on the true meaning of the season.
"It's like going to a science museum, but from a biblical perspective, which you wouldn't get in any other place," said visitor Bianca Wellskopf. "It is beautiful. It's really, truly, it's just magical over here."
Bianca Wellskopf and her family are travelers from Australia. The opportunity to visit ChristmasTown to experience the true meaning of Christmas was something on their bucket list that couldn’t be passed up.
"Overseas, we don't have as many people that put up Christmas lights on their houses, and if you want to see a Christmas display and you're going to travel to see it," Wellskopf said, calling the ChristmasTown display "world class."
A world class event that not only celebrates Christmas, but focuses on the true meaning behind the holiday for so many people.
"We want to proclaim the true meaning of Christmas, why Christ came to earth 2,000 years ago," Looy said. "So, we don't hide the fact that we proclaim the authority of the Bible at both of our attractions, but we also share the gospel."