FORT THOMAS, Ky.  — One town in Northern Kentucky is already bringing out some cookies, carols, and surprise visits from Santa and the Grinch.  Madeline Dadosky said she didn't grow up in the area, but definitely has heard a lot about a yearly Christmas tradition in town. 

What You Need To Know

  • Fort Thomas put on a Holiday Walk and has done so for 19 years

  • Businesses and other community staples put out booths with raffles, goodies, and other activities for community members to enjoy

  • People took pictures with Santa

  • The event took place along Fort Thomas Avenue


“This was definitely a big thing everyone talks about in Fort Thomas- the Holiday Walk," Dadosky said.

The Holiday Walk is something city leaders said has been going on for 19 years. Chanda Calentine, economic development director and events coordinator for the City of Fort Thomas said there's something for everyone.  People can enter raffles, kids can facepaint, there are treats everywhere, and more.

While Dadosky didn't grow up with this tradition, some of her classmates did. Vice President with Highlands Choir Matthew Grimme is a classmate who said he's grown up in the area and is no stranger to this.

“Our little community just brings out the best of the holiday spirit and there’s just a lot for everyone of all sorts of ages and families to just come out and enjoy the show," Grimme said.Calentine said it's a great way to unite the community.

“It’s just kind of everyone in the community coming together and sharing with everyone else," Calentine said.

“I just love to be here and see people from school, see friends, see family, and kind of celebrate the season all together," Dadosky said.

Allowing for everyone to come together and see Santa before he takes off for his yearly trip around the globe to deliver presents.