LOUISVILLE, Ky. —  A long time ago Bing Crosby once sang, “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.” Craig Bishop knows that song well.

For a long time Bishop has wondered: why can’t it always look like Christmas?

On August 5, Bishop opened A Christmas Morning Cafe on Frankfort Avenue. He serves coffee, of course, and brunch and more photo ops than an influencer would ever need.

The place is surrounded by lights, Frosty's, Santas and wreaths. The entire building is painted a very jolly red.

“I was the little guy who would sneak downstairs after everyone went to bed and hide behind the couch just so I could get a glimpse of Santa. I was determined, every year,” Bishop said.

The longtime coffee shop owner wanted to open a second location but when the holidays were over he didn’t want the festive decorations to come down.

“I just have tons of Christmas decorations," he said.

It’s exactly what Craig Bishop dreamed of though he never imagined how much people would need the good tidings. Now in addition to running a coffee shop, he’s forwarding letters to Santa.

“There’s one: To Santa Claus, from Everette,” Bishop read off a decorative envelope.