LEXINGTON, Ky. — For the first time since his firing on May 18, former University of Kentucky cheer coach Jomo Thompson is speaking out about being let go.

What You Need To Know

  • Thompson releases statement on Facebook

  • Thompson and his coaching staff fired May 18 following investigation

  • Investigation found staff didn't oversee student-athletes at off-campus events

  • Thompson disagrees with the way university handled situation
Friday night, Thompson took to his facebook page with a lengthy note to thank supporters and to express his frustration over how the University of Kentucky handled th situation.  Thompson said, "I have always and will continue to love the University of Kentucky and its cheer program. It's where I won my first championships as an athlete and as a coach. Without the opportunities that the university has provided me, I would not be the person that I am today. I truly appreciate my career at the University of Kentucky."
Thompson goes on to say, " I feel as though I should have been given more of an opportunity to present my my perspective on the facts and events that have been reported. I feel that the lack of opportunity to respond was unfair. However, life is not always fair." 

UK's investigation included interviews with more than 60 students and found the coaching staff and administrative advisor did not provide reasonable oversight at off-campus events where members of the cheerleading squad participated in hazing, alcohol use, and public nudity. 

“A commitment we make and renew every day at the University of Kentucky is that the success of our students is at the center of everything that we do. But for that sentiment to be more than words, we must always act in ways that honor that commitment — especially when we discover rare instances where those who supervise and guide our students don’t meet the standards of integrity we expect of each other. This is one of those times,” said UK President Eli Capilouto.

Thompson closed his note by thanking everyone he has worked with including parents and students.  

Thompson was with the program first as a cheerleader in 1996; he became head coach in 2002. UK’s cheerleading program has won 24 national championships in the past 35 years.