LOUISVILLE, Ky. - The Chief Operating Officer of Wayside Christian Mission says Louisville homeless shelters are in desperate need of thermometers and other items. 

“It’s a very different time for us, I must say,” Nina Moseley told Spectrum News 1. 

More than 600 people utilize Wayside shelters every day and anyone entering a facility is being checked for COVID-19 symptoms according to Moseley. However, currently, the staff is unable to check temperatures. 

“We have been asking people if you know where we can beg, borrow or steal some thermometers, we need at least about three. We would like to have the thermal, infrared thermometers or else the surface touch but at this point, we haven’t been able to get ahold of any of those,” Moseley explains. 

Also in low supply, toilet paper. Wayside was out of bleach but a recent donation from the non-profit, WaterStep, included a bleach making kit. Budgets are getting stretched thin too. A large portion of Wayside’s shelter budget comes from operating the Louisville Hotel which is part “recovery home,” and part commercial hotel. The hotel is essentially closed due to the shelter at home order. 

“All of that has gone away. So that’s about 25 percent overall of our revenue at Wayside Christian Mission. So that’s a big chunk that is missing right now.” 

On a positive note, Moseley says local restaurants have been very generous donating food that would otherwise go to waste as Kentucky restaurants are limited to delivery and carryout only. 

“We’ve been blessed with some nice food donations from places that can’t --rovide restaurant services right now.”

If you would like to make a donation or help Wayside you can call them at 502-584-3711 or make a donation online.