LOUISVILLE, Ky.- The 6th Annual "Give for Good Louisville," is Thursday and hopes of surpassing 2018's fundraising goal of $5M.

The 24-hours of online giving begins at midnight, Thursday, September 12. A whopping 500 non-profits across an 8 county area will collect as many generous gifts as possible. The Community Foundation of Louisville is once again orchestrating the single-day fundraising event.

“Our business right now is making sure everything is ready to go and non-profits feel like they’ve got the support they need," says Jan Walther.

Beginning at Mindnight on the 12th people can go to giveforgoodlouisville.org and give to their favorite charity or find a new organization based on services provided or location.

“We have organizations that are itty-bitty, grass-roots organizations, volunteer led, and organizations that are really community-wide known," says Molly Melia, also with Community Foundation.

The 2018 goal of $5M was met so this year the goal is $6M with a minimum donation set at ten dollars. "The ten dollars will hopefully make it more accessible for more people and you can be a philanthropist for a day," Walther adds.