LOUISVILLE, Ky-    Jeremy Vessels is a Kentucky native with West Coast flair. 

"I started skating in 1987 and I asked for my first board in 1985," Vessels recalls. 

When he was 19 Vessels went West. He's been around the block.

"I lived in Denver. I've lived in San Francisco,  Portland, Olympia," the 43-year-old says. 

Skateboarding has been with him all along, however, it wasn't until Vessels started breaking down boards, cutting them up and then putting them back together did he realize where skateboarding was taking him next. 

For the past five years Vessels has been creating one-of-a-kind tables and art and he does it with discarded skateboards. 

"Skateboarding drew me to art and expression," Vessels reflects. But something else is setting this once construction worker apart from other reclaimed furniture makers. Vessels has found a way to incorporate a wave design into his work and, of course, "the wave," is synonymous with surfing and skateboarding. 

"To take the modern-fixed skateboard shape and pull that wave out of there. I feel like I’ve really done something there," Vessels tells Spectrum News 1.