FRANKFORT, Ky - Inside Kentucky's old capitol building is a new exhibit connecting visitors to a deadly era in the Commonwealth.  "Dueling Grounds" chronicles a time when settling your differences with a duel was acceptable in most circles, particlary in higher society. 

Stuart Sanders, from the Kentucky Historical Society says the exhibit not only relives the deadly era but also addresses the cultural shfit when eventaully deuling to the dealth was ultimately condemned!

“So during the 19th Century men were pointing pistols at one another when one was insulted.  We try to get students to think about how do we get to resolve conflicts today that’s much better than using violence," Sanders says. 

Perhaps the most famous duel in American history pitted Alexander Hamilton against Aaron Burr in 1804.  "Hamilton," is also the title of the Broadway hit musical currently playing in Louisville.  It's for that reason Sanders says "Dueling Grounds," includes a nod to that bitter political rivalry. 

“We wanted to put an Aaron Burr artifact on display here so the Kentucky Historical Society has one of Aaron Burrs’ pistols in its collection," Sanders explains.  "It’s not one the pistols that was used in the duel with Alexander Hamilton of course," Sanders adds.  "Dueling Grounds," runs through October.