LEXINGTON, Ky --- A historic B-17 bomber aircraft that dates back to the 1940s, is in Central Kentucky this weekend.

The Experinmental Aircraft Organization is hosting a tour stop at the Aviation Museum through Sunday afternoon, inviting the public a chance to step aboard a 65,000 lbs fully restored, piece of history, that the group calls, one of the most iconic images from World War II.

Flights will run hourly from 10AM-1PM on Saturday, May 18 and Sunday, May 19th and are filled in sequential order based on availability. 

B-17 Experience Pricing

Ground Tour

2-5 p.m. (unless noted), weather permitting

$10: Individual Rate
$20: Family Rate: (adults/children up to 17)
Free: Children under 8 (with paying adult)
Free: Veterans / Active Military

Mission Flights 

(weather permitting)


$409: EAA Members
$449: Nonmembers


$435: EAA Members
$475: Nonmembers

The B-17 bomber will also make a tour stop in Elizabethtown on May 21st at the Addington Field Airport with flights running every hour, from 10 am to 1 pm.

You can get more information on the B-17 Aluminum Overcast Tour, by clicking here.