LOUISVILLE, Ky. — It’s fall break for most kids in Kentucky. Public school students in Jefferson County, Fayette County and dozens more have the week off from school. 

What You Need To Know

  •  Community centers in Louisville are offering free camps for kids during fall break

  •  This year's theme is nature and there will be lots of outdoor activities

  • The camps are free and breakfast will be served 

Community centers in Louisville are offering free fall break camps for kids.

Denice Wallace is always on the move.

She’s the supervisor at the Portland Community Center in Louisville.

“There’s nothing not to love about it, having a good time with the community. Having a good time with the community, a good time with the kids. It’s priceless, it’s priceless,” said Wallace. 

She’s gearing up for fall break.

On any week night, Wallace sees between 40 to 50 kids after class .

She’s excited to spend more time with students while they’re off of school.

“It will start Oct. 2-6. Every community center except our senior community center will be having a fall camp. You can go to any community center today and put your application in. We still have spots available,” said Wallace. 

Campers receive breakfast, and camp is completely free.

This year's theme is nature. Wallace is looking forward to spending time outside and teaching campers about plants, animals and more.

And camp isn’t the only activity with Louisville Parks and Recreation.

“We encourage you to get out in some of our parks and enjoy nature a bit. Our parks have some amazing hiking trails. Some of those parks include Cherokee Park, Iroquois Park, Shawnee Park,” said Louisville Parks and Recreation Public Information Supervisor Katey Huffman. 

But spending time outside is just part of the experience. Wallace is hoping to help her campers become the best they can be.

“I want them to know to be kind and make friends. We do a lot of talking about anti-bulling tactics. Kids being kind, speaking to other kids, kids being friendly,” said Wallace. 

All while having a good time.

Fall break camp with Louisville Parks and Recreation is for kids ages six through twelve.

For more information on how to enroll, visit a community center near you or their website.