LOUISVILLE, Ky. — This giveaway is making the holidays brighter for some Louisville families. 

What You Need To Know

  •  Hotel Louisville and Wayside Christian Mission are hosting a gift giveaway 

  •  Toys for Tots and ESPN Radio are major donors

  •  Parents signed up for gifts and winter clothes

  •  Hotel Louisville will also host "Breakfast with Santa" 

For some Louisville residents, such as those living in shelters, the Christmas season can be a struggle. To make the season brighter for families who may not have gifts, Hotel Louisville is hosting a gift giveaway in partnership with Wayside Christian Mission, which operates the hotel. 

“We set this room up like a small department store; it's a large room with rows of gifts, toys, puzzles and winter clothes," said Nina Moseley, Wayside Christian Mission executive director. "We try to make a good, very festive holiday for people so even though they are in a homeless shelter at Christmas, they still have a holiday."

During the week leading up to Christmas, families who signed up visit Hotel Louisville to collect gifts for their children. Two major donors for the event are Toys for Tots and ESPN Radio. Each participant shops with a volunteer, and everything offered is free for families. 

“It makes for a good memory for our folks here, especially the children," Moseley said. 

Aseel Sharbali, a mother of five, said she's grateful for this program. She is from Iraq and finishing her first year as a naturalized citizen. Her sister is also receiving gifts for her family. 

"I like this place because I can get some toys for my kids," Sharbali said. "I'm happy, and my kids are happy."

The program is designed as an act of kindness and respect to those facing challenges such as housing and food insecurity, a gesture Moseley said has a certain "return on investment."

"They show up on Thanksgiving or Christmas to volunteer because they remember the time they had when they were here and they want to be part of giving someone else a good time," Moseley said.