LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A Kentucky man known as Rock Hard Papaw on Instagram and who is a cancer survivor, shares an important message to inspire people.

What You Need To Know

  • The gym is Robert Durbin’s playground

  • The 74-year-old battled colon cancer

  • He works to inspire others through his social media account

The gym is Robert Durbin’s playground.

“Well, my grandson wanted to give me that. He told me I was like a rock and it was his papaw. So I wanted Rock-Hard Papaw,” Durbin said as he explained his Instagram handle.

Durbin, 74, is often upside down or floating some part of his body in the air.

“I’m working for my old me. I’ll get there. I have plenty of time,” Durbin said.

Time he has fought to earn and live another day.

“Yeah, well, it’s quite a bit on the shoulders. The chemo really attacked my shoulders, and I’m getting over it but slow,” Durbin said.

In early 2014, he went into surgery to remove cancer found on his colon and a year later, he began chemotherapy.

“I didn’t want to tell anybody I had it—I’m more–I don’t know. I didn’t understand this stuff. I’m kind of embarrassed to tell people I had it. They didn’t know about it here for about six months,” Durbin said. 

Durbin found a support group at the Southwest YMCA in Louisville, and eventually, he owned his diagnosis because doctors said he might get five years.

“I’ve beat it. I don’t know if I have or not, but as far as I’m concerned, I’ve beat it,” Durbin said.

Robert Durbin does a flip using a bar at the Southwest YMCA gym. (Spectrum News 1/Khyati Patel)

Durbin is about to celebrate 10 years of being cancer-free, and he uses the hashtag #OneKentucky each time, to mark his battle and inspire others to get strong.

“Man, get that for cancer and stuff. I’d be whatever it takes or whatever they call for. I’d have it checked. It don’t take it but a heartbeat. Grab hold, hang on to. It sure did a number on me last year, but like I said, I can’t complain. It could be worse,” Durbin said.

The Rockhardpapaw said he has follow-up visits with his doctors every quarter and his motto is simple: It’s never too late to start. Age is just a number.

“I’m in no hurry to leave,” Durbin said.