LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Every Jefferson County Public Schools student can now eat both breakfast and lunch for free, regardless of their family’s income level.

What You Need To Know

  • Free breakfast and lunch are now offered at all Jefferson County Public schools

  • A federal program covers the cost of these meals

  • A majority of students in the district qualify for free or reduced lunch

  • No-cost meals will be offered for at least the next four years

The district announced the final three schools, which previously did not qualify, would now offer free meals. These are the J. Graham Brown School, Lowe Elementary School and duPont Manual High School.

“The research is clear that when students have access to nutritional food, that they are ready to learn,” Angela Parsons, principal of J. Graham Brown, said.

Because of the percentage of JCPS students who qualify for free or reduced lunch, the district can offer no-cost meals to everyone. According to JCPS, 65% of students meet those guidelines.

“Students will still be able to purchase à la carte from their accounts, but they will not have to pay for a reimbursable breakfast or a reimbursable lunch,” Terina Edington, assistant director of nutrition services, said.

Parsons adds this will help many families, including those living just about the poverty level.

“This is going to create a lot of more discretionary income for those households,” Parsons said. “So I think that’s going to be a big bonus for them.”

The district adds this change removes any stigma with a student who receives free lunch.

“It’s going to be wonderful that any student can come up and have a healthy breakfast in the morning and be charged and ready to go in the morning and ready to learn,” Parsons said.  

According to Feeding America, more than half a million Kentuckians struggle with food insecurity. One in seven children in the state are facing hunger.

Correction: A previous version of this story misspelled Angela Parsons’ name. The error has been corrected. (Aug. 29, 2023)