LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The Broadway musical Frozen is in Louisville at the Kentucky Center for Performing Arts and an Oldham County man is making his Broadway tour debut. Jack Brewer is Oaken and has performed in over 200 shows so far.

What You Need To Know

  • Frozen is in Louisville until Sunday, Feb. 4

  • Jack Brewer attended South Oldham High School

  • He now is touring the country in Broadway Across America's Frozen

  • He plays a few roles, but the most noticeable is Oaken

“I kind of feel like I am living the dream. This is truly a show that I’ve been working toward for years… and it feels.. it’s not lost on me how special it is that I get to do it,” said Brewer. 

For the last year, Brewer has been a part of Disney’s Frozen the Musical on its National Broadway Tour.

Brewer has multiple roles within the production, including “Oaken,” the shop owner who loves all things hygge or “cozy”.

Jack Brewer, is a South Oldham High School graduate, touring the country in Broadway Across America's Frozen. He plays Oaken at the start of Act II. (Instagram/Jack Brewer)

“In Act 1 I play the Bishop who kinda like helps Anna and Elsa as they’re growing up and stepping up into their royal power and in Act II I play Oaken who is like the crazy Swedish guy in his trading post who says ‘hoo hoo!’ So they are a lot of fun to do,” said Brewer. 

Before he made it to the big time, he was a student at South Oldham High School.

“Jack was always a delightful person. I had him in my AP language and composition class. He’s always been so talented, but what I really love about Jack is that he is a really kind human being,” said Hallie Hunt Rock, Brewer’s former teacher. 

Brewer’s teachers knew he had the drive to make it to the main stage.

“He put hope into action and made this come true and now that he’s back here with the touring company, I get to celebrate him in person, which is really phenomenal,” said Hunt Rock. 

“I remember hearing him singing solos and thinking more people need to hear him. His voice needs to be out there. The world needs to see Jack Brewer,” said Brewer’s former choral director Justin Romney. 

Brewer wants to remind dreamers to keep working toward their goals.

“Continue working toward the things you really want to do because you can make it happen and other people can help you make it happen! Your wishes are valid and look, we’re kind of doing Broadway,” said Brewer. 

If you want to catch Jack Brewer on-stage, Frozen is in Louisville until Sunday, Feb. 4.